National Soils of Scotland

James Hutton Institute data sets contributing or derived from the National Soils of Scotland database.

Soil maps display the distribution of different soil types across the land based on what you can see in the field. The amount of detail shown on a map depends on its scale. For example, smaller scale maps (e.g. 1:250,000) will show less detail than larger scale maps (e.g. 1:25,000). More detailed 1:25,000 maps are also available for much of Scotland’s cultivated agricultural soils and the adjacent uplands and only provide partial cover of Scotland.

The 1:250,000 dataset should be cited as: Soil Survey of Scotland Staff (1981). Soil maps of Scotland at a scale of 1:250 000. Macaulay Institute for Soil Research, Aberdeen. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4646891.

The NSIS dataset should be cited as: 'Lilly, A., Bell, J.S., Hudson, G., Nolan, A.J. & Towers. W. (Compilers) (2010). National soil inventory of Scotland (NSIS_1); site location, sampling and profile description protocols. (1978-1988). Technical Bulletin. Macaulay Institute, Aberdeen. DOI:10.5281/zenodo.4650230.

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Last Updated October 8, 2021, 13:26 (+0100)
Created July 4, 2017, 14:00 (+0100)
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GEMET Theme soil